Clinic Reopening for Active Life Therapy
We have carried out a Risk Assessment and implemented new procedures for working practices, PPE, cleaning and hand hygiene. The following measures are in place to reduce the risk to our patients, staff and to public health.
- Hand hygiene policy on arrival and departure from the clinic (all patients will be required to use the hand sanitisers at the main door also when going up the stairs please try not to touch walls or banisters.
- Appointments will be spaced appropriately 15 minutes apart to enable the massage therapists to have time to change PPE, disinfect all surfaces and to maintain social distancing between patients.
- Patients should arrive by car where possible and not enter the clinic until their appointment time. Patients who arrive by foot should arrive no more than 5mins before their appointment time but will have to wait outside or in their cars until one of out therapists escorts them onto the premises
- The massage therapists will be wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including gloves, Face Masks.
- Patients will be asked to wear a face mask or may purchase one from the clinic for £1.00
- Patients must attend on their own unless a guardian, carer or chaperone is required. Family members will not be permitted to stay in the waiting area.
- We will limit the use and exchange of paper with patients where possible by using email.
- Payments will be by credit/debit card or bank transfer only.
- Patients will be asked to sign a screening declaration and agree to their commitment to notify the clinic if they develop any COVID-19 symptoms in the two weeks following their face-to-face appointment. This will also apply to guardians, carers or chaperones attending with a patient.
We have done everything we can to reduce the risk of our patients and staff contracting COVID-19. However, COVID-19 has a 14 day incubation period, when carriers of the disease may show no symptoms but could be highly contagious. During face to face consultations both the patient and the massage therapists are unable to socially distance and consequently there is an increased risk of transmission of COVID-19 during these appointments.
Please do not come to the clinic unless you have an appointment or if you or one of your household has been ill in the last two weeks with the following symptoms of COVID-19 . Including, but not exclusively:
- Fever over 38°C.
- New persistent cough
- Shortness of breath
- Change or loss of taste/smell
In these extremely difficult times we thank you for your continued support and loyalty and we look forward to hearing from you.
Keith Hunter
Clinic Director and Senior Myofascial Release Therapist